Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Consistent therapy.

People that know me..know for a fact that i love to shop,and will do it any chance i get..but why do i do it so much?
Besides the fact tht i love to buy things,shoes and clothes and i like to follow the newest trends and to make my own trends if thts possible..its also a form of therapy for me.
When i'm walking around in a mall,going from store to store,looking at all these things that i want..it gives me a sense of freedom..lets me forget about everything that is going on around me and just focus on the piece of clothing in front of me.
The clarity in my mind at tht very moment is quite rare to find while doing other things..

Some say i'm a shopaholic,and to some level i might be..
Some say tht i don't value money,or don't value the things i own because i rarely wear it.
Truth is when i buy something..i buy it for myself,regardless of when i wear it,its mine,its no ones business.

If i were to sit in a therapist office and pore my heart out to him/her..would tht be money well spent?
whose to judge how i spend my money,and why shopping is like sitting in a therapist office..

Its an unexplainable feeling..to come home with something new and to put it on and just sit in it,it makes me happy..it makes me feel lighter inside.This might sound stupid but for that very moment when you're trying on wut u just bought,u forget about your problems..forget about anything thts bothering u..

You have to experience it to understand wut i mean..and it doesn't really work for everyone..

The point of this is..no matter how it looks like,there is always another reason for a person to behave in a particular way,atleast most of the time..dont be so quick on judging someone on their actions..there was a reason for the saying "dont judge a book by its cover"

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