Thursday, January 5, 2012

Inevitable change.

When I think about life I don't only think of the things that are going on right now or what I might be faced with in the future..but for some strange reason I always,always think about my past and not just about the recent years but back to when I was a child.
To think of the problems I faced back then compared to the things i'm going through right now,seems like a piece of cake.

Teaching kinder-garden has taught me more than I imagined I would learn.For me this job was just a way to make money and pass my time,but its a lot more than see the problems the kids face daily,not only at school but at home too and to try to understand it from their point of view,changes my perspective on things.
Little do they know that from here on out its just going to get bigger and bigger,not only the problems but the good things too.

If i could go back,and change it all,i'm most certain that i wouldn't want to do that.Sure I've made mistakes in my life,big ones,but I am who I am today because of those mistakes.I wouldn't have it any other way.
I'm fortunate that I am still young,I can change the person who I am going to become but I wouldn't want to change the person I was just because it would guarantee a happier present.I can see how this might come off as,some might say its stupid,but to me this is completely logical.

You don't want to wake up one day and  have this opportunity for a completely different life,its a big risk.

There is a reason why we live life once,all that we're suppose to do has to be done,just once.There is no rewind button,there is no pause and there sure as hell isn't a delete button,and in a way its a blessing.

When you're at a point in your life, trying to define the person who you have become in plain simple words,you realize that its harder than you expected,because we never stay the same.Change is inevitable,the only thing that remains the same is change itself.
We're constantly growing,trying to find ourselves and when we finally have an answer,something happens and we got to change all over again.

Nothing is written in stone,who's to say that you're suppose to be a certain way?.You be who you want to be,be someone who you are proud of,don't do things that cause you shame.

The world isn't split into good people and bad..we've got light and dark in us,its up to us to decide which part to act on.

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